Tuesday, March 22, 2011

bad food day

Work sometimes is challenging . . . even when the patients are very stable.  Just giving good patient care to the patient and family members takes energy.  Rushing to and from my breaks . . . eating fast . . . it's hard to keep a healthy diet.  I crave chocolate and carbs at times . . . I feel like I need the fast energy.  so today at work I enjoyed the 3 pieces of Sees chocolate-almond candy.  Later I filled up on dinner from the cafeteria -- spinach pasta and cheese ravioli with marinara and meat sauce and parmesan cheese. So many calories at once -- I was knocked out into a deep sleep for 1 1/2 hours after dinner.  Too tired to get up and take any vitamins (so a no vitamin day too).  Oh well, no need to bash myself.  Dehydrated, I bought some chocolate soymilk later (semi-healthy drink) but I need some good water and vitamins too.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a much better day.